
Donate to CCAR!

Donations help sustain the organization and benefit the local recovery community - all donations directly support CCAR’s Recovery Support Services throughout Connecticut.

Make your donation safely and securely! No PayPal account is needed - you can use a credit card or PayPal account.

Prefer to donate via check?

Mail to:

75 Charter Oak Ave

Building 1, Suite 305

Hartford, CT 06106 

For Tax Purposes Our Non-Profit ID is: #06-1584908

Happy Volunteer Appreciation Week to our CCAR volunteers! You do so much for CCAR and the recovery community - we are so thankful for you. You're the best 🤩🏆

We are inviting national scholars to the Multiple Pathways of Recovery Conference to share the framework of their recovery research! Presenters will have 5 minutes to share their findings, followed by a poster session for the audience to learn more. This is an excellent opportunity to share your research with recovery leaders and advocates nationwide! Submit your research today and join us - #MPRCCT2024

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